Uncommon grape, made by very few Argentinian wineries.
The SANGIOVESE ALTO SALVADOR is a red wine of very good quality, 100% varietal, of a typical ruby color, bright, with the cherry tones that belong to this original grape and characteristic of Tuscany.
Fresh and fruity aromas. Balanced, with a very pleasant acidity that makes it soft and easy to drink, where the notes of strawberries and cherries (not frequent in other reds) are prominent.
Its flavor and aromatic potential stand out at a temperature of 12º to 14º C.
It comes from a blend of Sangiovese grapes grown in a 45 years age vineyard and in another of 20 years, located at a height of 750 m above sea level.
Due to its remarkable characteristics, drunk at the indicated temperature, it is an ideal wine to accompany cold entrees, salads, omelettes, white meats and fish, seafood, vegetarian dishes, meals with soft sauces.
Alcohol | Total Acidity | Sugar | Volatile Acidity | pH |
13,7º | 6,04 g/l | 2,16 g/l | 0,32 g/l | 3,7 |